VORTEX2 was the largest tornado research project in history, logging more than 25,000 miles per vehicle in 2010!
VORTEX2 was the largest tornado research project in history, logging more than 25,000 miles per vehicle in 2010!
Researchers presented preliminary results from the Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment 2009-2010 (VORTEX2) during a special session at the American Meteorological Society Severe Local Storms Conference held in Denver, Colo. in October.
NSSL scientists presented current research at the American Meteorological Society’s Severe Local Storms Conference Oct. 11-14 in Denver Colo.
NOAA World, NOAA’s online newsletter recently posted an article about VORTEX2, a historic tornado project.
A Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching Radar scans a supercell thunderstorm near Artesia, NM during VORTEX2 2010 operations.
Through Facebook, Twitter and blogs, more people are hearing about NSSL’s science than ever before.
Preliminary numbers show VORTEX2 intercepted about 30 supercells, and 20 weak or short-lived tornadoes.
Information on the 10 May 2010 tornado outbreak in Oklahoma and Kansas
Chase StormDawg is VORTEX2’s new special correspondent for kids.
The Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment – 2 will begin the second year of data collection on May 1 and run through June 15.