Dave Jorgensen recently accepted the 2013 NOAA Technology Transfer Award on behalf of the NSSL/CIMMS Warning Decision Support System – Integrated Information (WDSS-II) On Demand team.
The citation reads: “For leading the development of an on-demand, near real-time, web-based tool for tracking severe weather and hail swaths across the continental US.”
The NOAA Technology Transfer Award recognizes NOAA scientific, engineering, and technical employees for achievements that are developed further as commercial applications, or that advance the transfer of NOAA science and technology to U.S. businesses, academia, other government and non-government entities.
The web-based system is not available to the general public but is freely available to users on a .gov, .edu, or .mil domain. Other non-commercial users who are involved in the protection of life and property can easily obtain permission to use it by contacting NSSL. The tool is a component of the multi-radar, multi-sensor (MRMS) Warning Decision Support System-Integrated Information (WDSS-II) system that has been licensed by the University of Oklahoma to many commercial vendors and .com users.

Congratulations to Travis Smith (CIMMS), Kiel Ortega (CIMMS), Greg Stumpf (MDL), Kevin Manross (NOAA), Valliappa Lakshmanan (CIMMS), Karen Cooper (Lynker Technologies), Madison Miller, Dave Jorgensen (NSSL) and John Cintineo (University of Wisconsin – Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies).