Dave Jorgensen recently accepted the 2013 NOAA Technology Transfer Award on behalf of the NSSL/CIMMS Warning Decision Support System – Integrated Information (WDSS-II) On Demand team. The citation reads: “For leading the development of an…
Tag: On Demand
NSSL/CIMMS team receives 2013 NOAA Technology Transfer Award
An NSSL/CIMMS team has been honored with the 2013 NOAA Technology Award for the development of the Warning Decision Support System – Integrated Information On Demand (WDSS-II: On Demand).
NOAA Technology Helps American Red Cross Respond Faster
In this record-breaking spring tornado season, emergency responders are saving precious hours when they count the most – in the immediate aftermath of a devastating storm.
NSSL product captures rotation tracks of April 27 tornado outbreak
NSSL has released an image documenting the rotation tracks of the devastating tornadoes on April 27-28. Bright reds and yellows show more intense circulations.
NSSL product captures rotation tracks
NSSL’s Warning Decision Support System-Integrated Information (WDSS-II) On Demand can be used to help confirm when and where severe weather occurs. The American Red Cross and local NWS forecast offices have used the product for disaster response and recovery, and damage surveys. This image shows rotation tracks across Arkansas from the Monday, April 25 tornado outbreak.