Meet Charles Kuster, who played an instrumental role in PARISE and is helping develop rapid-scan radar at NSSL!
Meet Charles Kuster, who played an instrumental role in PARISE and is helping develop rapid-scan radar at NSSL!
Eye tracking technology has many uses for NSSL researchers. Learn more about how they are using this tool.
Meet Lin Tang and learn more about her research with radar at NSSL!
David Schvartzman is part of the Advanced Radar Techniques group, improving the quality, accuracy, and timeliness of MPAR.
David is a CIMMS scientist who is part of the Advanced Radar Techniques team within the Radar Research and Development Division at NSSL. Learn more.
Mark Weber helps develop radar architecture and researches strategies for future transitions in technology. Learn more about him and what he does.
NSSL scientists won’t have to travel far this year for the AMS Radar Conference! The 37th Conference on Radar Meteorology will be held right here in Norman, Oklahoma, at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference…
The Impact of Range Oversampling Processing on Tornado Velocity Signatures Obtained from WSR-88D Super-Resolution Data. Authors: Torrres, S.M. and Curtis, C.D. Journal: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology Publication Date: Online 7/28/15 Important Conclusions: Researchers applied “range oversampling,” a…
If he were to write his autobiography, the title of the book might be “From Gaucho to Cowboy”. Sebastian Torres grew up in Argentina, and earned his bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in his native…
This week, researchers from NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory will launch the 2015 Phased Array Radar Innovative Sensing Experiment to assess the impacts of rapidly updating radar data on forecasters’ warning decision performance. The project…