Top weather minds unite in new video

A new outreach video about the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment was just released on YouTube.  Created with a video game theme, the video opens with “Top weather minds unite in the quest for a better forecast.”

NWS forecasters and participating researchers are interviewed in four “levels” including, “Tactical Role Playing,” “Real-Time Strategy,” “Co-Op Feedback,” and “Experience Points.” The video closes with “Game Over…until next spring.”

The Spring Experiment has been the cornerstone of the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) for more than a decade, where forecasters are provided with a first-hand look at the latest research, concepts and products.  At the same time, research scientists gain valuable understanding of the challenges, needs and constraints of front-line forecasters.

NSSL, the NWS Storm Prediction Center and the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Norman, Okla. sponsor the Spring Experiment.  The end result meets another NWS goal to increase the development, application and transition of advanced science and technology to operations and services.

NSSL videographer James Murnan has created more than 30 outreach videos over the past few years on topics ranging from dual-polarized weather radar to the Coastal and Inland Flooding Observation and Warning project (CI-FLOW).  Murnan was recently awarded the 2011 INDUS Excellence Award for his work.

The video can be seen at:

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