NSSL’s John Lewis along with S. Lakshmivarahan and Sudarshan Dhall of OU/NOAA Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies were given special recognition by OAR for their book Dynamic Data Assimilation: A Least Squares Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Dynamic data assimilation is the assessment, combination and synthesis of observational data, scientific laws and mathematical models to make predictions about how a complex physical system will behave. This book is designed to be a basic one-stop reference for graduate students and researchers based on graduate courses taught over a decade to mathematicians, scientists, and engineers.
Background: The OAR award honors the most original, important, useful, and outstanding peer-reviewed publications from OAR laboratories and Cooperative Institutes.
Significance: Quality scientific publications are a measure of the effectiveness of preeminent research.