The current understanding of lightning physics is the focus of a new book published by physicist Vladislav Mazur, based on his more than 30 year career at NSSL. Principles of Lightning Physics presents and discusses the most up-to-date physical concepts that govern many lightning events in nature, including lightning interactions with man-made structures.
Mazur’s approach to the understanding of lightning — – to seek out, and to show what is common to all lightning flashes —- are illustrated by an analysis of each type of lightning and the multitude of lightning-related features. Using this approach, the book examines the work that has gone into the development of new physical concepts, and provides critical evaluations of the existing knowledge of the physics of lightning and the lexicon of terms and definitions used in lightning research.
Since joining NSSL in 1984, Mazur has produced research on many aspects of lightning, from lightning interactions with aircraft and ground structures to lightning processes and lightning physics. He was a pioneer of high-speed photography of lightning in the early 1990s.
The book was released this month by the Institute of Physics Publishing.