Addison Alford
Addison is a Research Physical Scientist and a member of the Severe/Convective Analysis Team. His research interests primarily revolve around leveraging phased array and conventional …
Tyler Bell
Tyler is a Research Scientist in CIWRO. His research revolves around increasing the number and quality of observations in the atmospheric boundary layer through innovative …
Kodi Berry
Kodi is the Program Lead for VORTEX-USA at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). From 2019-2024, she served as the Program Lead for Forecasting a …
Jami Boettcher
Jami's role at NSSL is best summarized as providing "NWS eyes" toward the evolutionary weather radar research ongoing at RRDD, specifically Phased Array Radar. This …
Kelsey Britt
Kelsey is a Graduate Research Assistant and PhD Candidate working with CIWRO and NSSL as part of the Forecast, Assessment, and Social Science Team in …
Jeff Brogden
Jeff is a Research Associate with CIWRO/NSSL and is the CIWRO lead for the Applied Computing for the Meteorological Enterprise (ACME) team. ACME assists in …
Harold Brooks
I like to play with scientific problems I think are interesting. I have a broad liberal arts background, so I tend to think of the …
Matthew Brown
NSF AGS Fellow
Matthew is an NSF AGS Postdoctoral Fellow at NSSL and is a member of the Observations & Processes Team (OPT) within FRDD. Previously, he was …
Petar Bukovcic
Petar is a research scientist at CIWRO. His research primarily focuses on the development / testing of polarimetric radar relations for snow estimation, snow and …
Lydia Bunting
Lydia joined CIWRO as a research associate on the Observations and Processes Team in July 2022, where she assists study of the atmospheric boundary layer …
Patrick Burke
Patrick is the Program Lead for Warn-on-Forecast, a position created in 2020: Growing up in Oklahoma City sparked my passion for convective storms. I attended …
Kristin Calhoun
Kristin is a research scientist and Team Lead for the Severe Convective Probability and Impacts Group. She studies a wide variety of topics including probabilistic …
Patrick Campbell
Patrick is the CIWRO team lead for the Severe Convective Probability and Impacts Group. His research efforts focus on the development of Probabilistic Hazard Information …
Jacob Carlin
Jacob is a Research Physical Scientist on the Doppler Radar and Remote Sensing Research (DRARSR) team within NSSL's Radar Research and Development Division. His research …
DaNa Carlis
DaNa L. Carlis, Ph.D. is an award-winning meteorologist and serves as the Director at NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). At NSSL, he is responsible …
Vanna Chmielewski
Vanna is a Research Physical Scientist and Federal Team Lead for the Integrated Sensing Group in the Warning Research and Development Division at the NOAA/OAR …
John Cintineo
John is a research meteorologist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), but stationed at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. His primary area of …
Adam Clark
Dr. Adam J. Clark is a federal research meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in the Forecast …
Corey Clowers
Corey is the Administrative Officer at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). He supervises the Administrative Services team and is responsible for the oversight of …
Michael Coniglio
Dr. Michael Coniglio is a Research Scientist in the Forecast Research and Development Division (FRDD) of NSSL. Michael's primary responsibilities are to conduct research using …
Karen Cooper
MRMS expert with extensive expertise and experience in system design, data flow management, processing chains, NetApp, AWS cloud computing, and LDM. She understands the R2O …
Linda Crank
Linda has been NSSL’s Financial Management Specialist since 2020. As FMS, she strives to facilitate lab operations by providing financial administration and management, including performing …
Jilliann Dufort
Jilliann is a research associate within the Transportation Applications Team. She joined in November 2022 after completing her M.S. in Atmospheric Science at Texas Tech …
Suzanne Enyart
Suzanne is the Program Support Assistant for the Warning Research and Development Division at NSSL. Suzanne is responsible for WRDD's payroll, purchasing, travel, budget, and …
Vicki Farmer
Vicki has been at NSSL since 1996, and manages the NSSL website and all related web properties. A graduate of the University of Oklahoma and …
Matthew Flournoy
Matt is the Federal Team Lead for the Storm-scale Convection and Radar Group in WRDD. His research generally focuses on storm-scale processes, environments, and predictability …
Thomas Galarneau
Thomas is a Research Physical Scientist and Federal Team Lead for the Forecast Applications and Social Science Team in the Forecast Research and Development Division …
Jidong Gao
I am currently a research meteorologist for National Severe Storm Laboratory (NSSL)/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). I am also affiliated with University of Oklahoma …
Joshua Gebauer
Josh is a research scientist at CIWRO/NSSL. His research focuses on developing integrated data products from boundary layer and lower atmosphere observing systems and identifying …
Jeremy Gibbs
Jeremy uses theory and computers to study atmospheric boundary-layer flows, including turbulence modeling, land-surface modeling, parameterization of boundary-layer and surface-layer interactions, and multi-scale numerical weather …
Jonathan (JJ) Gourley
I am a Research Hydrometeorologist with the NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory and an Affiliate Associate Professor with the School of Meteorology, Civil Engineering, and Hydrology …
Brandy Griffis
Ryan Gruebele
Kurt Hondl
Kurt began his career as a Research Associate with the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies at the University of Oklahoma. Since 1993 he has …
Larry Hopper
Larry has been the Radar Research and Development Division Chief at NSSL since September 2021 after serving as a National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologist for …
Jeff Horn
Jeff joined the NSSL team in 1997 as a Systems Administrator with the Open Systems group. He has held several positions and roles within the …
Ty Janoski
Ty is a NOAA-CESSRST Postdoctoral Fellow who splits his time between the City College of New York and NSSL. His current research focuses on the …
Thomas Jones
From 2010 to the present, I have been employed as a Research Scientist at CIMMS / CIWRO as part of the Warn-on-Forecast (WoF) project. I …
Kent Knopfmeier
Kent is a Research Associate III with CIWRO/NSSL and is a member of the Forecast Applications and Social Science Team in the Forecast Research and …
Makenzie Krocak
Kenzie is the Social Science Team Lead for the Behavioral Insights Unit in WRDD. Her research broadly focuses on understanding how people use weather information …
Charles Kuster
I am interested in understanding how forecasters and emergency managers use radar data and how new radars and radar-based products might impact end-user decision making. …
Tony Lyza
Tony is the Federal Team Lead of the Testbed and Visualization Support (TVS) Team within the Applications and End Users Branch (AEUB) of NSSL. He …
Edward "Ted" Mansell
I have been affiliated with NSSL since starting as a grad student last century (1995). My research has involved substantial development in the numerical cloud …
Steven Martinaitis
Steven is a Research Associate at the CIWRO/NSSL and works under the Stormscale Hydrometeorology Group. He is also the CIWRO team lead for the Integrated …
Brian Matilla
Brian is a Research Associate with CIWRO/NSSL and is a member of the Data Assimilation and Modeling team with the Forecast Research and Development Division …
Linda McGuckin
Linda is a Support Services Specialist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). She has 21 years of combined experience providing administrative and technical support …
Rafael Mendoza
Phased Array Radar (PAR) Technical Lead for the Engineering and Observations Branch. Previously worked as an Electronics Engineer for the Radar Engineering and Development (RED) …
Rachel Miller
Rachel is a Research Scientist on the Stormscale Convection & Radar Team within WRDD.
Timothy Miller
My background is in astrophysics specializing in spectroscopy and computing. I am currently a software developer for the Applied Computing for the Meteorological Enterprise (ACME) …
Wes Moody
James Murnan
James is the Media Specialist for NOAA NSSL. His areas of expertise are in videography, video editing, photography, photo editing, and media management.
Feng Nai
Feng is a research scientist and part of the Advanced Radar Techniques team. His research primarily focuses on 1) developing signal processing algorithms to improve …
Corey Potvin
Warn-on-Forecast scientist in FRDD since 2012, and adjunct/affiliate faculty member of the OU School of Meteorology since 2014. I work on many facets of thunderstorm …
Heather Reeves
Dr. Reeves leads the Transportation Applications Team in WRDD. This is a highly-collaborative team that works cooperatively with partners in operations to develop decision-support tools …
Anthony Reinhart
Anthony is the Phased Array Radar R&D Program Lead at NSSL. Dr. Reinhart blends his expertise in computer engineering, severe weather research, and application development. …
Andrew Rosenow
Andrew joined the Lab in 2016 after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, where his graduate research focused on the mesoscale structures in …
Alexander Ryzhkov
Dr. Alexander Ryzhkov joined NSSL as an NRC Senior Research Associate in 1992 after leaving the Main Geophysical Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia where he …
Thea Sandmæl
Thea is a research associate with CIWRO/NSSL in the Warning Research and Development Division. Her research interests include radar data associated with severe storms, tornado …
Ben Schenkel
Ben is a Research Scientist in Warning Research and Development Division at NSSL. He is also an Affiliate Assistant Professor with the School of Meteorology …
Jacob Segall
Jacob is a CIWRO Research Associate within NSSL's WRDD. His focus has been on developing and utilizing dual-polarization radar algorithms to improve our understanding of …
Miranda Silcott
Miranda is a research associate on the Forecast Applications and Social Science Team. Miranda joined CIWRO/NSSL in 2023 after completing her M.S. at North Carolina …
Brandon Smith
Brandon is a Research Associate at CIWRO/NSSL and is a member of the Stormscale Convection & Radar Team within WRDD. His research mainly focuses on …
Elizabeth Smith
Dr. Elizabeth Smith focuses on low-level atmospheric processes relevant to near- and pre-storm environments and convection initiation. Her expertise is in boundary-layer–to–mesoscale meteorology, observations, and …
Jeffrey Snyder
Jeff is a research meteorologist and federal lead of the Doppler Radar and Remote Sensing Research team. His primary areas of research are (1) applications …
Derek Stratman
Derek is a CIWRO research scientist on the Data Assimilation and Modeling Team within NSSL's FRDD working on the Warn-on-Forecast project. His current research generally …
Lin Tang
Lin is a research scientist at the CIWRO/NSSL and a member of the Stormscale Hydrometerology Group. Her research and work focus on improving radar data …
Elizabeth Tirone
Elizabeth is a postdoc with CIWRO/NSSL. Her research focuses on applying machine learning to UAS imagery workflows. Her work investigates the use of UAS in …
Zach Tomek
Zach joined NSSL as a Systems Administrator in 2018 with 6 years of multi-platform experience. Since then, he held the position of Program Manager for …
Sebastián Torres
Sebastián leads the Advanced Radar Techniques team and has 26+ years of experience conducting research and development of innovative signal processing and advanced remote-sensing techniques …
Daniel Tripp
Daniel has been with the Transportation Applications Group (TAG) since January 2020. His research is primarily focused on developing decision-support tools for transportation related forecasts. …
Adam Werkema
Adam is a research associate on the Transportation Applications Team. Adam joined NSSL in 2022 after completing his M.S. at North Carolina State University. While …
Louis Wicker
I have a broad set of research interests which generally are focused on numerical analysis, simulation, and forecasts of severe convection and tornadoes. My original …
Arthur Witt
Arthur is a research meteorologist in the Phased Array Radar and Meteorological Analysis Studies Team. His primary areas of research include radar-based identification of large …
Nusrat Yussouf
Nusrat is a Senior Research Scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Severe & High-Impact Weather Research and Operations (CIWRO) and NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory …
Noah Zemlin
Jian Zhang
Jian is a research meteorologist at the NSSL and the Federal team lead for the Stormscale HydroMeteorology Group. She is the lead scientist for the …
Conrad Ziegler
Dr. Conrad Ziegler is a Research Meteorologist in the Analysis and Understanding Branch (AUB) of NSSL. Conrad's primary responsibilities are to conduct research using meteorological …