Derek Stratman


Data Assimilation & Modeling Team (DAMT)

Job Title:Research Scientist II


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Derek is a CIWRO research scientist on the Data Assimilation and Modeling Team within NSSL's FRDD working on the Warn-on-Forecast project. His current research generally involves working on the next version of the NSSL’s Warn-on-Forecast system (WoFS). His work is primarily focused on improving storm-scale analyses and short-term forecasts by advancing and developing novel data assimilation and modeling techniques.

More specifically, he is currently:

  • working with others in the WoF group to develop and test a 1-km version of WoFS (WoFS-1km)
  • exploring and testing stochastic physics perturbation methods and their potential beneficial impacts for WoFS
  • investigating the impact of correcting storm displacement errors in the WoFS using a version of the feature-alignment technique (FAT) that I developed
  • exploring ways to best assimilate temporally-frequent (every ~1 min) NSSL phased-array radar (PAR) volumetric data into the WoFS
Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
B.S. Meteorology Valparaiso University 2009
M.S. Meteorology University of Oklahoma 2011
Ph.D. Meteorology University of Oklahoma 2016
Research Interests
  • ensemble, storm-scale (< 4 km) analyses and short-term (< 6 h) forecasts of severe convective weather
  • ensemble data assimilation techniques/methods
  • stochastic physics perturbation methods
  • phased-array radar data assimilation
  • storm-scale predictability
  • forecast verification using traditional, spatial, and object-based techniques
Selected Publications

Kerr, C. A.B. M. MatillaY. WangD. R. StratmanT. A. JonesN. Yussouf2023Results from a pseudo-real-time next-generation 1-km Warn-on-Forecast System prototypeWeather and Forecasting38307–319, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-22-0080.1

Stratman, D. R.C. K. Potvin2022Testing the Feature Alignment Technique (FAT) in an Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation and Forecast System with Multiple-Storm ScenariosMonthly Weather Review15082033–2054, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-21-0289.1

Stratman, D. R.N. YussoufY. JungT. A. SupinieM. XueP. S. SkinnerB. J. Putnam2020Optimal Temporal Frequency of NSSL Phased Array Radar Observations for an Experimental Warn-on-Forecast SystemWeather and Forecasting35193–214, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-19-0165.1