NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters will test how lightning data impacts the warning process during convective events in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed from July 21-August 29. The project is a collaboration between NSSL and Earth Networks, Inc., a private weather company.
Tag: thunderstorm
NSSL scientists heading to Florida to launch balloons into thunderstorms
NSSL scientists will launch instrumented balloons into north Florida thunderstorms as part of an ongoing University of Florida triggered lightning experiment for two weeks beginning July 28.
Researchers plan first extensive U.S. study looking for link between cities and storms
A group of researchers, including NSSL’s Dave Stensrud, recently announced they plan to study the effects of cities on thunderstorms.
Flashy storm
A simulation of a Florida thunderstorm showing two lightning flashes (upper-level intracloud and a negative cloud-to-ground). Light gray is the cloud boundary, darker gray is 35 dBZ reflectivity. 2D color slice is simulated NEXRAD reflectivity.