Significant Paper: A Balloonborne Particle Size, Imaging, and Velocity Probe for in Situ Microphysical Measurements.

A Balloonborne Particle Size, Imaging, and Velocity Probe for in Situ Microphysical Measurements. Authors: Waugh, S.M., Ziegler, C.L., MacGorman, D.R., Fredrickson, S.E., Kennedy, D.W., Rust, W.D.  Journal: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology Publication Date: Online 7/29/15 Important Conclusions:…

Significant Paper: The Impact of Range Oversampling Processing on Tornado Velocity Signatures Obtained from WSR-88D Super-Resolution Data.

The Impact of Range Oversampling Processing on Tornado Velocity Signatures Obtained from WSR-88D Super-Resolution Data.  Authors: Torrres, S.M. and Curtis, C.D. Journal: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology Publication Date: Online 7/28/15  Important Conclusions: Researchers applied “range oversampling,” a…

Significant Paper: 31 May 2013 El Reno Tornadoes: Advantages of Rapid-scan Phased Array Radar Data from a Warning Forecaster’s Perspective

31 May 2013 El Reno Tornadoes: Advantages of Rapid-scan Phased Array Radar Data from a Warning Forecaster’s Perspective. Authors: Kuster, C.M., Heinselman, P.L., Austin, M. Journal: Weather and Forecasting  Publication Date: Online 6/12/15 Important conclusions:  Researchers collaborated with the forecaster who issued…

Significant Paper: Automated Detection of Polarimeteric Tornadic Debris Signatures using A Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm

Automated Detection of Polarimeteric Tornadic Debris Signatures using A Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm Journal: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Publication Date: Online 7/2/2015 Authors: Snyder, Jeffrey C., Ryzhkov, Alexander. Important conclusions:  Since debris lofted by tornadoes has scattering characteristics that are…