Mike Coniglio, Research Scientist
Background: | B.S. Meteorology, SUNY-Oswego M.S., Ph.D. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma |
Experience: | Mike grew up in Buffalo, New York, where he got a lot of experience with lake-effect snowfall! He earned his bachelor’s degree in meteorology from the State University of New York - Oswego, before making his way to Oklahoma for his M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Mike joined OU CIMMS in 2006, then transitioned to a Federal position in 2008. He has been working with NSSL in various roles since 1998. |
What He Does: | Mike is part of the FRDD team here at NSSL. He has worked extensively in the field and has also helped develop numerical forecast models. He primarily studies thunderstorms, particularly those which are heavy wind producers, or derechos. He took part in the PECAN field experiment this summer, studying the nighttime development of these storms and the conditions that support them. Mike also takes an active role in collaboration with the Storm Prediction Center. Last year, he began working forecast shifts at SPC, and he is currently working on researching ways to improve short-term forecasts of severe weather. |
Trivia: | Mike and his wife have a 4-year-old daughter, and when he isn’t chasing storms, he enjoys honing his photography skills, birding, and catching up on the latest HGTV shows. |