The NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory has just launched a completely redesigned website to showcase NSSL’s leadership and success in severe weather research.
The site features new content and an improved, easy-to-use structure, taking advantage of current technology that makes updates simpler and also supports smartphones and tablets. Heavy integration of photos and graphics help tell the NSSL story visually.
The NSSL website now features a rotating header that cycles through the most current research stories. An easy to use navigation bar lists all main topics and subheadings without having to “mouse-over” them individually. Content is organized by severe weather research topics and tools targeting both curious public visitors as well as scientists already familiar with NSSL’s work.
A comprehensive search engine points visitors to information quickly and there is now convenient access to fact sheets, multi-media and media resources.
On the footer of every page, visitors can connect to NSSL through social media where interesting pieces of news and photos are posted.
The most visited part of the NSSL site, the education section, now offers a short course in severe weather phenomena written for the generall public called “Severe Weather 101.” There is also a comprehensive list of FAQ’s on each topic, written from emails that are sent to NSSL. Links to other weather resources, games and activities are featured for educators, students and visitors of all ages.
The NSSL web site is very popular, with more than 4,000 unique visitors every day. This is the first comprehensive update since 2005.