Preliminary information on the long-track tornado that went from eastern Louisiana across much of Mississippi.
1. It had a path length of at least 97 miles. Over the last 40 years, we’ve averaged about one 100 mile path length tornado every 2 years.
Update (27 April): The path length is now given as 149 miles, the 6th longest since 1970. A crude estimate is a once per 8 year event.
2. There were 10 direct fatalities with the tornado. The last double-digit death day was 25 May 2008 (the day that Parkersburg, Iowa was hit.) The last double-digit fatality tornado was on 10 May 2008 (Picher, OK and southwestern Missouri.
3. It’s the most fatalities in a tornado in Mississippi since 21 November 1992 (Brandon-12 fatalities)
Update (27 April):
4. Deaths by circumstance: 6 mobile home, 2 outdoors, 2 vehicle.