NSSL researchers will be presenting two papers at the 5th European Conference on Severe Storms in Landshutz, Germany October 12-16, 2009.
The “Evolution of downdraft thermodynamics and low-level rotation in the tornadic 29 May 2004 Geary, OK USA supercell storm” discusses data collected by two mobile C-Band radars. The combined dataset begins to test a hypothesis about how a low-level mesocyclone is intensified, and how the hypothesis could be tested during VORTEX2. NSSL’s Conrad Ziegler is lead author, and Lou Wicker, Ted Mansell and Don MacGorman (all NSSL), and Kristin Kuhlman (NSSL/CIMMS) are co-authors.
“Evaluation of ESTOFEX Forecasts” looks at the quality of the European Storm Forecast Experiment and concludes ESTOFEX forecasts were reasonably good. Evaluation of forecasts is an important step towards improving forecasts. ESTOFEX forecasts also provide an excellent opportunity to explore the use of relatively new techniques to evaluate and display forecast information. Lead author is NSSL’s Harold Brooks.