The 25 February 2011 Volume 331 issue of Science published an article featuring NSSL’s mobile radar.
Category: Talks and Articles
Dave’s most significant awards
There is a long list of awards Dave has received, but the following he considers the most significant.
NSSL researchers present preliminary results from VORTEX2
Researchers presented preliminary results from the Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment 2009-2010 (VORTEX2) during a special session at the American Meteorological Society Severe Local Storms Conference held in Denver, Colo. in October.
NSSL scientists present work at AMS Severe Local Storms meeting
NSSL scientists presented current research at the American Meteorological Society’s Severe Local Storms Conference Oct. 11-14 in Denver Colo.
VORTEX2 May Unravel Mysteries Behind Tornadoes
NOAA World, NOAA’s online newsletter recently posted an article about VORTEX2, a historic tornado project.
The Kimpel Symposium
The Kimpel Symposium was held on June 18, 2010 in honor of the retirement of Dr. Jeff Kimpel, former Director of NSSL.
VORTEX2: The ultimate science project!
A presentation on how VORTEX2 is really the ultimate science project targets elementary and middle school students.
NSSL showcased in Meteorological Technology International
“Eye of the storm: The changing face of weather radar” is the title of an article spotlighting NSSL’s research. You can find the article here:
VORTEX2 article published in Weatherwise
Weatherwise Magazine published an article about VORTEX2 in their January/February 2010 edition. To read the article, go to:
Kevin Kelleher gives webinar on CI-FLOW
NSSL Deputy Director Kevin Kelleher gave a “webinar” on CI-FLOW at the Water Resources Research Institute of The University of North Carolina.