NSSL is preparing for the third annual National Weather Festival held at the National Weather Center in Norman, OK. The event is planned for this coming Saturday, October 20, 2007 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
An estimated 3,000 people turned out last year for the free festival sponsored by the Norman Chamber of Commerce Weather Committee, the University of Oklahoma weather units and the NOAA Weather Partners. Organizers declared the event a complete success in reaching out to the community.
The National Weather Festival features tours of the National Weather Center. Visitors will be able to view displays by local weather organizations and businesses, weather related seminars, the new Science on a Sphere display, and the second annual Storm Chaser Car Show. Children’s activities, hourly weather balloon launches and an amateur radio demonstration are also planned.
This year’s festival has an historical emphasis, with information about NOAA”s 200th Celebration and Oklahoma’s Centennial.
Background: The National Weather Festival aims to provide an opportunity for the community to learn about operational weather activities, current research and to promote interest in weather to people of all ages.