Significant Publication: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming and Calibration for Weather Applications

The following significant paper publication was reported to headquarters the week of June 19. NOAA authors are bolded.

  1. Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming and Calibration for Weather Applications

By Fulton, C. (OU ARRC) J. L. Salazar (OU ARRC)Y. Zhang (OU ARRC)G. Zhang (OU ARRC)R. Kelly (OU ARRC)J. Meier (OU ARRC)M. McCord (OU ARRC)D. Schmidt (OU ARRC)A. D. Byrd (OU ARRC)L. M. Bhowmik (OU ARRC)S. Karimkashi (OU ARRC)D. S. Zrnic (NOAA NSSL), R. J. Doviak (NOAA NSSL), A. Zahrai (NOAA NSSL)M. YearyR. D. Palmer.

Published in May 2017 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 55, Issue 5, pages 2827-2841.

Significance: “Cylindrical arrays can be impacted by the potential of strong surface and creeping wave effects as well as the difficulty of achieving low sidelobes. Even from a pattern-only perspective that neglects the system-level implications of transceiver electronics, backend architecture, calibration, and operational constraints, there are very few available large-array and pattern synthesis techniques for complex antenna element geometries within a cylindrical array framework. This makes it difficult to even simulate electromagnetically accurate cylindrical arraypatterns in an ideal system. Hence, our CPPAR demonstrator allows for many open challenges to be studied in a way that would not otherwise be possible.”

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