Representatives from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory will spend a day at NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma, Thursday (Sept. 3) to discuss opportunities for collaboration and clarify current areas of development.
Following a welcome from NSSL director Steve Koch, the first portion of the meeting will focus on JPL’s technology and observation concepts. Duane Waliser, Chief Scientist, will discuss research in JPL Earth Sciences and Weather Technology. Randy Odle will provide an overview of technology and mission concepts in development at JPL. Finally, Robert Ferraro will speak about the NASA Weather Focus Area research program and the role of JPL in this venture.
The remainder of the day will highlight the current needs of the Lab, based on the NSSL mandates/requirements. Speakers from NSSL will include Dusan Zrnic, Kurt Hondl, Lou Wicker, Thomas Jones (OU/CIMMS), Dave Turner, Ken Howard, JJ Gourley, and Lans Rothfusz. Topics will cover all areas of current NSSL research, including radar development (Polarimetric and Phased Array), warning and forecast improvement (Warn-on-Forecast, FACETs, etc.), hydrometeorological observing, and remote sensing.
The presentations will be separated by a working luncheon, during which time NSSL and OU directors will discuss potential collaborations with guests from JPL. At the conclusion of the presentation period, the agenda will allow for an additional wrap-up section. This will provide extended time for discussion of joint ventures between JPL and NSSL.
The JPL visit to NSSL will solidify the strong partnership between these two organizations. This meeting will outline current areas of research and will lay the foundation for future collaborative efforts.