Weather forecasters rely on an incredibly large amount of information when they make forecasts and issue warnings. A new system, activated by NOAA’s National Weather Service last week, quickly harnesses the tremendous amount of weather…
Weather forecasters rely on an incredibly large amount of information when they make forecasts and issue warnings. A new system, activated by NOAA’s National Weather Service last week, quickly harnesses the tremendous amount of weather…
A research team from NSSL is leading the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed – Hydro 2014 (HWT-hydro) project from July 7 – Aug. 1 to evaluate and improve experimental products used by the NOAA National Weather…
Monday 7 April 2014 began the first week of the two-week Multiple-Radar/Multiple-Sensor-Severe Best Practices (MRMS-SBPE) experiment in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed at the National Weather Center in Norman, OK.