Are you currently on-air as a broadcast meteorologist? If so, we need your help. Each year we bring 6 broadcasters into NOAA’s Hazardous Weather Testbed and have them try out experimental severe weather warning products in a mock television studio (named KPHI-TV by our first participant). Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel our 2020 experiment. To collect related data from a much larger sample of broadcasters, we created a 15- to 20-min survey that covers baseline data on current NWS products, preferences on experimental products, and, for those that are bilingual, preferred translations for current and experimental products. What is our goal? To incorporate broadcasters into the research process so that if/when something from research is transitioned into NWS operations, it works for on-air presentation.
If you have some time to give to our research effort, our survey can be found at
Thank you so much for you time!