The PECAN field campaign was an international project funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Department of Energy (read more here) . Measurements were collected from 1 June to 15 July 2015 over a nine-state region during 31 intensive operational periods (IOPs) and 12 unofficial field operations. The primary goal of PECAN was to better understand nocturnal convection. Several important components related to nocturnal convection were identified for detailed study: mesoscale convective systems, bores, convection initiation, and nocturnal low-level jets (NLLJs). My PhD work focused on PECAN observations of NLLJs, so PECAN holds a special place in my heart. My role in PECAN was to operate the OU/NSSL CLAMPS1 platform to collect thermodynamic and kinematic profiles and launch radiosondes for all PECAN missions. The experience was grueling at times, but I learned a lot and got to ride in the NOAA P-3 aircraft around a thunderstorm, which is bucket list material.
Learn more about the science associated by checking out some of my publications and the AMS Journals Special PECAN Collection.