Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

Kristin Calhoun


Kristin is a research scientist and Team Lead for the Severe Convective Probability and Impacts Group. She studies a wide variety of topics including probabilistic

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Patrick Campbell


Patrick is the CIWRO team lead for the Severe Convective Probability and Impacts Group. His research efforts focus on the development of Probabilistic Hazard Information

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Jacob Carlin


Jacob is a Research Physical Scientist on the Doppler Radar and Remote Sensing Research (DRARSR) team within NSSL's Radar Research and Development Division. His research

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DaNa Carlis


DaNa L. Carlis, Ph.D. is an award-winning meteorologist and serves as the Director at NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). At NSSL, he is responsible

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Vanna Chmielewski


Vanna is a Research Physical Scientist and Federal Team Lead for the Integrated Sensing Group in the Warning Research and Development Division at the NOAA/OAR

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John Cintineo


John is a research meteorologist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), but stationed at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. His primary area of

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Adam Clark


Dr. Adam J. Clark is a federal research meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in the Forecast

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Corey Clowers


Corey is the Administrative Officer at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). He supervises the Administrative Services team and is responsible for the oversight of

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Michael Coniglio


Dr. Michael Coniglio is a Research Scientist in the Forecast Research and Development Division (FRDD) of NSSL. Michael's primary responsibilities are to conduct research using

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Karen Cooper


MRMS expert with extensive expertise and experience in system design, data flow management, processing chains, NetApp, AWS cloud computing, and LDM. She understands the R2O

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Linda Crank

Linda has been NSSL’s Financial Management Specialist since 2020.  As FMS, she strives to facilitate lab operations by providing financial administration and management, including performing

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