V2 2010 Week 1: May 1–6, 2010 Posted in V2 2010 Operations on May 5, 2010 by Susan Cobb. Days were mostly down or travel. First deployment near Oberlin, Kansas on Day 6. Credit: Robin Tanamachi Mobile mesonets prepare to leave for Kansas. Credit: Susan Cobb Mobile mesonet heading out. Credit: Susan Cobb Mobile mesonets on Interstate 70 headed towards Wahkinney, Kansas. Credit: Susan Cobb Mobile mesonets moving into position near Hoxie, Kansas. Credit: Susan Cobb Mobile mesonets beginning their transects through storms. Credit: Susan Cobb Sometimes we have to lean on the good will of local farmers to pull us out of trouble. Credit: Susan Cobb The Media Vehicle acquired some mud from following probes the night before. Credit: Susan Cobb