Conrad Ziegler


Observations & Processes Team (OPT)

Job Title:Meteorologist


Phone:(405) 325-6221

Dr. Conrad Ziegler is a Research Meteorologist in the Analysis and Understanding Branch (AUB) of NSSL. Conrad's primary responsibilities are to conduct research using meteorological observations from well-focused field projects, radar-analysis and in situ data assimilation, and numerical models to improve severe weather forecasting via increased fundamental understanding of the atmosphere. Emphasis is placed upon detailed quantification of storm morphology and evolution via state-of-art airborne/ground-based radar analysis and thermodynamic/microphysical retrieval techniques to improve understanding of the dynamics of severe storms and their interaction with the environment. To address these goals, Conrad collaborates with other NSSL researchers and scientists from universities and other federal agencies; procures outside funding; interacts with operational forecasters within the National Weather Service and Storm Prediction Center in formal testbeds and smaller focused research projects; and has served as advisor, committee member, and/or mentor of 31 graduate students and early-career scientists from nine U.S. universities.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
Ph.D Meteorology University of Oklahoma 1984
M.S Meteorology University of Oklahoma 1978
B.S Environmental Science Rutgers University 1975
Research Interests
  • Radar Meteorology and Thermal/Microphysical Retrievals
  • Convection Initiation
  • Dryline Morphology and Dynamics and Cloud/Mesoscale Modeling
  • Severe Storm Dynamic, Thermal/Microphysical, and Electrical Processes
  • Storm/Environment Interactions
  • Mesoscale Convective System Forecasting and Dynamic and Thermal/Microphysical Processes
  • Numerical Modeling of Severe Storms
Professional Activities
  • Analysis and Understanding Branch (AUB), NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), Norman, OK (2024 – present)
  • Forecast Research and Development Division (FRDD), NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), Norman, OK (1993 – 2024)
  • NSSL Mesoscale Research Division, Boulder, CO (1992 – 1993)
  • NSSL Meteorological Research Division, Norman, OK (1983 – 1992)
  • Field Project Leadership: Science Steering Committees (IHOP 2002, PECAN 2015, TORUS 2019-present); Leadership in 16 observational field campaigns (1984 - present)
  • NOAA/National Weather Service Profiler Priority Team (2008)
  • NOAA Aircraft Operations and Recapitalization Advisory Team (2000-2004, 2014-present)
  • Associate Editor, Monthly Weather Review (1991-1997)
  • Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology (2001-present)
  • Affiliate Faculty: Florida State University (1988-1991); Colorado State University (1992-1995); Texas A & M University (1996-1999); The Pennsylvania State University (2007-2010 and 2023-present); North Carolina State University (2010-2013)
  • Fellow, Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations, University of Oklahoma (1983 – 1992 and 2002 – present; CIMMS prior to and CIWRO beginning Sept. 2021)
Honors & Awards
Award Name Year
Department of Commerce Gold Medal Unit Citation 1995
NOAA/ERL Outstanding Scientific Paper Award 1998
NSSL Outstanding Scientific Paper Award 2005
NOAA Administrator’s Award “For outstanding effort in the design, fabrication, and validation of the next-generation airborne dual-Doppler weather radar system” 2018
Selected Publications

Ziegler, C. L., P. M. Markowski, Y. P. Richardson, C. C. Weiss, S. M. Waugh, 2025: Cold Pool Forcing of the Streamwise Vorticity Current and Low-Level Mesocyclone in the 9 June 2009 Supercell during VORTEX2. Monthly Weather Review, 153, submitted.

Houston, A., B. Argrow, E. Frew, C. Weiss, E. N. Rasmussen, M. C. Coniglio, C. L. Ziegler, 2025: Targeted Observation by Radars and UAS of Supercells (TORUS). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 106, submitted.

Satrio, M. A., M. C. ConiglioE. N. RasmussenC. L. ZieglerD. M. Stechman, A. E. Reinhart2025: On the low-level mesocyclone evolution of the 17 May 2019 McCook / Farnam, Nebraska tornadic supercell observed during TORUS. Monthly Weather Review153, in press.

Pounds, L. E.C. L. ZieglerR. D. Adams-SelinM. I. Biggerstaff2024Analysis of Hail Production via Simulated Hailstone Trajectories in the 29 May 2012 Kingfisher, Oklahoma, SupercellMonthly Weather Review152245–276, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-23-0073.1.

Miller, R. L.M. C. ConiglioE. R. MansellC. L. Ziegler2024Examining the impacts of assimilating vertically integrated ice in WRF simulations of two nocturnal mesoscale convective systemsJournal of Geophysical Research129, doi:

Lin, G.Z. WangY. ChuC. L. ZieglerX. M. HuM. XueB. GeertsS. PaleriA. R. DesaiK. YangM. DengJ. DeGraw2024Airborne Measurements of Scale-Dependent Latent Heat Flux Impacted by Water Vapor and Vertical Velocity over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces During the CHEESEHEAD19 CampaignJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres129e2023JD0395861–21, doi:10.1029/2023JD039586.

Cummings, K. A.K. E. PickeringM. C. BarthM. M. BelaY. LiD. AllenE. BruningD. R. MacGormanC. L. ZieglerM. I. BiggerstaffB. FuchsT. DavisL. CareyR. M. MecikalskiD. L. Finney2024Evaluation of Lightning Flash Rate Parameterizations in a Cloud‐Resolved WRF‐Chem Simulation of the 29–30 May 2012 Oklahoma Severe Supercell System Observed During DC3Journal of Geophysical Research129e2023JD0394921–33, doi:10.1029/2023JD039492.

Axon, K. L.A. L. HoustonC. L. ZieglerC. C. WeissE. N. RasmussenM. C. ConiglioB. ArgrowE. FrewS. SwensonA. E. ReinhartM. B. Wilson2024The Potential Roles of Preexisting Airmass Boundaries on a Tornadic Supercell Observed by TORUS on 28 May 2019Monthly Weather Review152197–121, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-23-0007.1.

Hosek, M. J.C. L. ZieglerM. I. BiggerstaffT. A. MurphyZ. Wang2023Relation between Baroclinity, Horizontal Vorticity, and Mesocyclone Evolution in the 6–7 April 2018 Monroe, Louisiana, Tornadic Supercell during VORTEX-SEMonthly Weather Review1512949–2976, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-22-0313.1.

Wilson, M. B.A. L. HoustonC. L. ZieglerD. M. StechmanB. ArgrowE. W. FrewS. SwensonE. RasmussenM. C. Coniglio2023Environmental and Storm-Scale Controls on Close Proximity Supercells Observed by TORUS on 8 June 2019Monthly Weather Review151123013–3035, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-23-0002.1.

Lin, G., Z. Wang, C. L. Ziegler, X. Hu, M. Xue, B. Geerts, Y. Chu, 2023: A Comparison of Convective Storm Inflow Moisture Variability between the Great Plains and the Southeastern United States Using Multiplatform Field Campaign Observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 40, 539–556, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-22-0037.1.

Alford, A. A., M. I. Biggerstaff, C. L. Ziegler, D. P. Jorgensen, G. D. Carrie, 2022: A Method for Correcting Staggered Pulse Repetition Time (PRT) and Dual Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) Processor Errors in Research Radar Datasets. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 39, 11, 1763–1780, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-21-0176.1.

DiGangi, E. A., C. L. Ziegler, D. R. MacGorman, 2021: Lightning and Secondary Convection in the Anvil of the May 29, 2012 Oklahoma Supercell Storm Observed by DC3. Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, doi:10.1029/2020JD033114.

Chmielewski, V. C., D. R. MacGorman, C. L. Ziegler, E. DiGangi, D. Betten, M. Biggerstaff, 2020: Microphysical and transportive contributions to normal and anomalous polarity subregions in the 29-30 May 2012 Kingfisher storm. Journal of Geophysical Research, 125, doi:10.1029/2020JD032384.

Waugh, S. M., C. L. Ziegler, D. R. MacGorman, 2020: In situ microphysical observations of a multicell storm using a balloon‐borne video disdrometer during Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research, 125, 1–27, doi:10.1029/2020JD032394.

Miller, R. L., C. L. Ziegler, M. I. Biggerstaff, 2020: Seven-Doppler Radar and In Situ Analysis of the 25–26 June 2015 Kansas MCS during PECAN. Monthly Weather Review, 148, 211–240, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-19-0151.1.

Davenport, C. E., C. L. Ziegler, M. I. Biggerstaff, 2019: Creating a More Realistic Idealized Supercell Thunderstorm Evolution via Incorporation of Base-State Environmental Variability. Monthly Weather Review, 147, 4177–4198, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0447.1.

Hitchcock, S. M., R. S. Schumacher, G. R. Herman, M. C. Coniglio, M. D. Parker, C. L. Ziegler, 2019: Evolution of Pre- and Postconvective Environmental Profiles from Mesoscale Convective Systems during PECAN. Monthly Weather Review, 147, 2329–2354, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0231.1.

Bela, M. M., M. C. Barth, O. B. Toon, A. Fried, C. Ziegler, K. A. Cummings, Y. Li, K. E. Pickering, C. R. Homeyer, H. Morrison, Q. Yang, R. M. Mecikalski, L. Carey, M. I. Biggerstaff, D. P. Betten, A. A. Alford, 2018: Effects of scavenging, entrainment, and aqueous chemistry on peroxides and formaldehyde in deep convective outflow over the central and southeast United States. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 1–21, doi:10.1029/ 2018JD028271.

Wade, A. R., M. C. Coniglio, C. L. Ziegler, 2018: Comparison of Near- and Far-Field Supercell Inflow Environments Using Radiosonde Observations. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 2403–2415, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-17-0276.1.

Adams-Selin, R. D., A. J. Clark, C. J. Melick, S. R. Dembek, I. L. Jirak, C. L. Ziegler, 2019: Evolution of WRF-HAILCAST during the 2014-16 NOAA/Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiments. Weather and Forecasting, 34, 61–79.

Waugh, S. M., C. L. Ziegler, D. R. MacGorman, 2018: In Situ Microphysical Observations of the 29–30 May 2012 Kingfisher, OK, Supercell With a Balloon-Borne Video Disdrometer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 1–23, doi:10.1029/2017JD027623.

Betten, D. P., M. I. Biggerstaff, C. L. Ziegler, 2018: Three-Dimensional Storm Structure and Low-Level Boundaries at Different Stages of Cyclic Mesocyclone Evolution in a High-Precipitation Tornadic Supercell. Advances in Meteorology, 2018, doi:10.1155/2018/9432670.

DiGangi, E. A., D. R. MacGorman, C. L. Ziegler, D. Betten, M. Biggerstaff, M. Bowlan, C. K. Potvin, 2016: An overview of the 29 May 2012 Kingfisher supercell during DC3. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 14,316–14,343, doi:10.1002/2016JD025690.

Geerts, B., D. Parsons, C. L. Ziegler, T. M. Weckwerth, M. I. Biggerstaff, R. D. Clark, M. C. Coniglio, B. B. Demoz, R. A. Ferrare, W. A. Gallus Jr., K. Haghi, J. M. Hanesiak, P. M. Klein, K. R. Knupp, K. Kosiba, G. M. McFarquhar, J. A. Moore, A. R. Nehrir, M. D. Parker, J. O. Pinto, R. M. Rauber, R. S. Schumacher, D. D. Turner, Q. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Wurman, 2017: The 2015 Plains Elevated Convection At Night Field Project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 767–786, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00257.1.

Fierro, A. O., J. Gao, C. Ziegler, K. Calhoun, E. Mansell, D. MacGorman, 2016: Assimilation of flash extent data in the variational framework at convection-allowing scales: Proof-of-concept and evaluation for the short term forecast of the 24 May 2011 tornado outbreak. Monthly Weather Review, 144, 4373–4393, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0053.1.

Houston, A. L., R. J. Laurence III, T. W. Nichols, S. M. Waugh, B. Argrow, C. Ziegler, 2016: Intercomparison of Unmanned Aircraftborne and Mobile Mesonet Atmospheric Sensors. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33, 1569–1582, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0178.1.

Adams-Selin, R. D., C. L. Ziegler, 2016: Forecasting Hail Using a One-Dimensional Hail Growth Model within WRF. Monthly Weather Review, 144, 4919–4939, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0027.1.

Buban, M. S., C. L. Ziegler, 2016a: The Formation of Small-Scale Atmospheric Vortices via Horizontal Shearing Instability. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73, 2061–2084, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-14-0355.1.

Buban, M. S., C. L. Ziegler, 2016b: The Formation of Small-Scale Atmospheric Vortices via Baroclinic Horizontal Shearing Instability. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73, 2085–2104, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-14-0385.1.

Yang, Q., R. C. Easter, P. Campuzano-Jost, J. Jimenez, J. D. Fast, S. J. Ghan, H. Wang, L. K. Berg, M. C. Barth, Y. Liu, M. B. Shrivastava, B. Singh, H. Morrison, J. Fan, C. L. Ziegler, M. Bela, E. Apel, G. S. Diskin, T. Mikoviny, A. Wisthaler, 2015: Aerosol transport and wet scavenging in deep convective clouds: A case study and model evaluation using a multiple passive tracer analysis approach. Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 8448–8468, doi:10.1002/2015JD023647.

Fierro, A. O., A. J. Clark, E. R. Mansell, D. R. MacGorman, S. R. Dembek, C. L. Ziegler, 2015a: Impact of storm-scale lightning data assimilation on WRF-ARW precipitation forecasts during the 2013 warm season over the contiguous United States. Monthly Weather Review, 143, 757–777, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-14-00183.1.

Fierro, A. O., E. R. Mansell, Z. L. Ziegler, D. R. MacGorman, 2015b: Explicitly Simulated Electrification and Lightning within a Tropical Cyclone Based on the Environment of Hurricane Isaac (2012). Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72, 4167–4193, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-14-0374.1.

Waugh, S. M., C. L. Ziegler, D. R. MacGorman, S. E. Fredrickson, D. W. Kennedy, W. D. Rust, 2015: A Balloonborne Particle Size, Imaging, and Velocity Probe for in Situ Microphysical Measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 32, 1562–1580, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00216.1.

Barth, M. C., C. A. Cantrell, W. H. Brune, S. A. Rutledge, J. H. Crawford, H. Huntrieser, L. D. Carey, D. R. MacGorman, M. Weisman, K. E. Pickering, E. Bruning, B. Anderson, E. Apel, M. Biggerstaff, T. Campos, P. Campuzano-Jost, R. Cohen, J. Crounse, D. A. Day, G. Diskin, F. Flocke, A. Fried, C. Garland, B. Heikes, S. Honomichl, R. Hornbrook, L. G. Huey, J. Jimenez, T. Lang, M. Lichtenstern, T. Mikoviny, B. Nault, D. O’Sullivan, L. Pan, J. Peischl, I. Pollack, D. Richter, D. Riemer, T. Ryerson, H. Schlager, J. St. Clair, J. Walega, P. Weibring, A. Weinheimer, P. Wennberg, A. Wisthaler, P. Wooldridge, C. L. Ziegler, 2015: The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Field Campaign. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96, 1281–1309, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00290.1.

Fierro, A. O., J. Gao, C. Ziegler, E. Mansell, D. MacGorman, S. Dembek, 2014: Evaluation of a Cloud-Scale Lightning Data Assimilation Technique and a 3DVAR Method for the Analysis and Short-Term Forecast of the 29 June 2012 Derecho Event. Monthly Weather Review, 142, 183–202, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-13-00142.1.

Ziegler, C. L., 2013a: A Diabatic Lagrangian Technique for the Analysis of Convective Storms. Part I: Description and Validation via an Observing System Simulation Experiment. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30, 2248–2265, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00194.1.

Ziegler, C. L., 2013b: A Diabatic Lagrangian Technique for the Analysis of Convective Storms. Part II: Application to a Radar-Observed Storm. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30, 2266–2280, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00036.1.

Mansell, E. R., C. L. Ziegler, 2013: Aerosol Effects on Simulated Storm Electrification and Precipitation in a Two-Moment Bulk Microphysics Model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 70, 2032–2050, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0264.1.

Kain, J. S., M. C. Coniglio, J. Correia, A. J. Clark, P. T. Marsh, C. L. Ziegler, V. Lakshmanan, S. D. Miller, S. R. Dembek, S. J. Weiss, F. Kong, M. Xue, R. A. Sobash, A. R. Dean, I. L. Jirak, 2013: A Feasibility Study for Probabilistic Convection Initiation Forecasts Based on Explicit Numerical Guidance. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94, 1213–1225, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00264.1.

Calhoun, K. M., D. R. MacGorman, C. L. Ziegler, M. I. Biggerstaff, 2013: Evolution of Lightning Activity and Storm Charge Relative to Dual-Doppler Analysis of a High-Precipitation Supercell Storm. Monthly Weather Review, 141, 2199–2223, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-12-00258.1.

Fierro, A. O., E. R. Mansell, D. R. MacGorman, C. L. Ziegler, 2013: The implementation of an explicit charging and discharge lightning scheme within the WRF-ARW model: Benchmark simulations of a continental squall line, a tropical cyclone and a winter storm. Monthly Weather Review, 141, 2390–2415, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-12-00278.1.

Fierro, A. O., E. Mansell, C. Ziegler, D. MacGorman, 2012: Application of a Lightning Data Assimilation Technique in the WRF-ARW Model at Cloud-Resolving Scales for the Tornado Outbreak of 24 May 2011. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 2609–2627, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00299.1.

Buban, M. S., C. L. Ziegler, E. R. Mansell, Y. P. Richardson, 2012: Simulation of Dryline Misovortex Dynamics and Cumulus Formation. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 3525–3551, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00189.1.

Ziegler, C. L., E. R. Mansell, J. M. Straka, D. R. MacGorman, D. W. Burgess, 2010: The impact of spatial variations of low-level stability on the life cycle of a simulated supercell storm. Monthly Weather Review, 138, 1738–1766, doi:10.1175/2009MWR3010.1.

Mansell, E. R., C. L. Ziegler, E. C. Bruning, 2010: Simulated electrification of a small thunderstorm with two-moment bulk microphysics. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 171–194, doi:10.1175/2009JAS2965.1.

MacGorman, D. R., W. D. Rust, T. J. Schuur, M. I. Biggerstaff, J. M. Straka, C. L. Ziegler, E. R. Mansell, E. C. Bruning, K. M. Kuhlman, N. R. Lund, N. S. Biermann, C. Payne, L. D. Carey, P. R. Krehbiel, W. Rison, K. B. Eack, W. H. Beasley, 2008: TELEX: The Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89, 997–1013, doi:10.1175/2007BAMS2352.1.

Mansell, E. R., C. L. Ziegler, D. R. MacGorman, 2007: A Lightning Data Assimilation Technique for Mesoscale Forecast Models. Monthly Weather Review, 135, 1732–1748, doi:10.1175/MWR3387.1.

Ziegler, C. L., M. S. Buban, E. N. Rasmussen, 2007a: A Lagrangian Objective Analysis Technique for Assimilating In Situ Observations with Multiple-Radar-Derived Airflow. Monthly Weather Review, 135, 2417–2442, doi:10.1175/MWR3396.1.

Ziegler, C. L., E. N. Rasmussen, M. S. Buban, Y. P. Richardson, L. J. Miller, R. M. Rabin, 2007b: The "Triple Point" on 24 May 2002 during IHOP. Part II: Ground-Radar and In Situ Boundary Layer Analysis of Cumulus Development and Convection Initiation. Monthly Weather Review, 135, 2443–2472, doi:10.1175/MWR3411.1.

Kuhlman, K. M., C. L. Ziegler, E. R. Mansell, D. R. MacGorman, J. M. Straka, 2006: Numerically Simulated Electrification and Lightning of the 29 June 2000 STEPS Supercell Storm. Monthly Weather Review, 134, 2734–2757.

Brown, R. A., B. A. Flickinger, E. Forren, D. M. Schultz, D. Sirmans, P. L. Spencer, V. T. Wood, C. L. Ziegler, 2005: Improved detection of severe storms using experimental fine-resolution WSR-88D measurements. Weather and Forecasting, 20, 3–14.

Biggerstaff, M., L. Wicker, J. Guynes, C. Ziegler, J. Straka, E. Rasmussen, A. Doggett IV, L. Carey, J. Schroeder, C. Weiss, 2005: The Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching Radar: A collaboration to enhance research and teaching. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86, doi:10.1175/BAMS-86-9-1263.

Mansell, E. R., D. R. MacGorman, C. L. Ziegler, J. M. Straka, 2005: Charge structure in a simulated multicell thunderstorm. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D12101, doi:10.1029/2004JD005287.

Ziegler, C., D. Kennedy, E. Rasmussen, 2004: A wireless network for collection and synthesis of mobile mesoscale weather observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 21, 1659–1669.

Peckham, S. E., R. B. Wilhelmson, L. J. Wicker, C. L. Ziegler, 2004: Numerical simulation of the interaction between the dryline and horizontal convective rolls. Monthly Weather Review, 132, 1792–1812.

Mansell, E. R., D. R. MacGorman, C. L. Ziegler, J. M. Straka, 2002: Simulated three-dimensional branched lightning in a numerical thunderstorm model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(9), 0000, doi:10.1029/2000JD000244.

Ziegler, C. L., E. N. Rasmussen, T. R. Shepherd, A. I. Watson, J. M. Straka, 2001: The evolution of low-level rotation in the 29 May 1994 Newcastle-Graham, Texas storm complex during VORTEX. Monthly Weather Review, 129, 1339–1368.

MacGorman, D. R., J. M. Straka, C. L. Ziegler, 2001: A Lightning Parameterization for Numerical Cloud Models. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 40, 459–478.

Ziegler, C., 1999: Ch. 32. Issues in forecasting Mesoscale Convective Systems: An observational and modeling perspective. STORMS, Volume II, R. Pielke, Jr., R. Pielke, Sr., Eds., Routledge, 26–42.

Atkins, N., R. Wakimoto, C. Ziegler, 1998: Observations of the fine-scale structure of a dryline during VORTEX 95. Monthly Weather Review, 126, 525–550.

Ziegler, C., E. Rasmussen, 1998: The initiation of moist convection at the dryline: Forecasting issues from a case study perspective. Weather and Forecasting, 13, 1106–1131.

Ziegler, C., T. J. Lee, R. A. Pielke, Sr., 1997: Convective initiation at the dryline: A modeling study. Monthly Weather Review, 125, 1001–1026.

Pielke, R. A., T. J. Lee, J. H. Copeland, J. L. Eastman, C. L. Ziegler, C. A. Finley, 1997: Use of USGS-provided data to improve weather and climate simulations. Ecological Applications, 7, 3–21.

Shaw, B. L., R. A. Pielke, C. L. Ziegler, 1997: A three dimensional numerical simulation of a Great Plains dryline. Monthly Weather Review, 125, 1489–1506.

Ziegler, C., W. Martin, R. Pielke, R. Walko, 1995: A modeling study of the dryline. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 52, 263–285.

Ziegler, C., D. MacGorman, 1994: Observed lightning morphology relative to modeled space charge and electric field distributions in a tornadic storm. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51, 833–851.

Zrnic, D. S., N. Balakrishnan, C. Ziegler, V. Bringi, K. Aydin, T. Matejka, 1993: Polarimetric signatures in the stratiform region of a mesoscale convective system. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 32, 678–693.

Ziegler, C., C. Hane, 1993: An observational study of the dryline. Monthly Weather Review, 121, 1134–1151.

Brandes, E., C. Ziegler, 1993: Mesoscale downdraft influences on vertical vorticity in a mature mesoscale convective system. Monthly Weather Review, 121, 1337–1353.

Hane, C. E., C. L. Ziegler, H. B. Bluestein, 1993: Investigation of the dryline and convective storms initiated along the dryline: Field experiments during COPS-91. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74, 2133–2145.

Stensrud, D., R. Maddox, C. Ziegler, 1991: A sublimation-initiated mesoscale downdraft and its relation to the wind field below a precipitating anvil cloud. Monthly Weather Review, 119, 2124–2139.

Ziegler, C., D. MacGorman, J. Dye, P. Ray, 1991: A model evaluation of non-inductive graupel-ice charging in the early electrification of a mountain thunderstorm. Journal of Geophysical Research - D: Atmospheres, 96, 12833–12855.

Hane, C., C. L. Ziegler, P. S. Ray, 1988: Ch. 13. Use of Velocity Fields from Doppler Radars to Retrieve Other Variables in Thunderstorms. Thunderstorms: A social, scientific, and technological documentary, Vol. 3: Instruments and Techniques for Thunderstorm Observation and Analysis, E. Kessler, Ed., University of Oklahoma Press, 215–234.

Ziegler, C., 1988: Retrieval of thermal and microphysical variables in observed convective storms. Part II: Sensitivity of cloud processes to variation of the microphysical parameterization. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 45, 1072–1090.

Ziegler, C., P. Ray, D. MacGorman, 1986: Relations of kinematics, microphysics, and electrification in an isolated mountain thunderstorm. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 43, 2098–2114.

Ziegler, C., 1985: Retrieval of thermal and microphysical variables in observed convective storms. Part I: Model development and preliminary testing. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 42, 1487–1509.

Ziegler, C., P. Ray, N. Knight, 1983: Hail growth in an Oklahoma multicell storm. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40, 1768–1791.

Ray, P., C. Ziegler, W. Bumgarner, R. Serafin, 1980: Single- and multiple-Doppler radar observations of tornadic storms. Monthly Weather Review, 108, 1607–1625.

Ray, P., C. Ziegler, R. Brown, 1979: Doppler radar research at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Weatherwise, 32, 68–71.