Jian Zhang


Stormscale Hydrometeorology Group (SHMG)

Job Title:Research Meteorologist



Phone:(405) 325-6456


Jian is a research meteorologist at the NSSL and the Federal team lead for the Stormscale HydroMeteorology Group. She is the lead scientist for the research and development of the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) system.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
Ph.D Meteorology University of Oklahoma
M.S Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
B.S Atmospheric Physics Peking University
Research Interests
  • Radar Data Quality Control
  • Radar Network Mosaicking
  • Radar and Multi-sensor QPE
  • Machine Learning QPE
  • Radar Data Assimilation for Numerical Weather Predictions
Professional Activities
  • American Meteorological Society
  • National Weather Association
Honors & Awards
Award Name Year
Dapartment of Commerce Silver Medal 2015
Dapartment of Commerce Bronze Medal 2012
University of Oklahoma Innovator Award 2011
Federal Aviation Administration Excellence in Aviation Award 2002
Selected Publications

Osborne, A., J. Zhang, M. Simpson, K. Howard, S Cocks, 2023: Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Precipitation Estimates in the Western United States. Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems. 2, 1-19

Hanft, W., J. Zhang, M. Simpson, 2022: Dual-pol VPR Corrections for Improved Operational Radar QPE in MRMS, J.  Hydromet., 24, 353-371.

Chang, P-L, J. Zhang, Y-S Tang, L. Tang, P-F Lin, C. Langston, B. Kaney, C-R Chen, K. Howard, 2021: An operational Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor QPE system in Taiwan. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 102, E555-E577.

Zhang, J., L. Tang, S. Cocks, P. Zhang, A. Ryzhkov, K. Howard, C. Langston and B. Kaney, 2020: A dual-polarization radar synthetic QPE for operations. J.  Hydromet., 21, 2507-2521.

Zhang, J., K Howard, C. Langston, et al., 2016: Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Quantitative Precipitation Estimation: Initial Operating Capabilities. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 97, 621-638.

Wang, Y., J. Zhang, P-L Chang, Q. Cao, 2015: Radar vertical profile of reflectivity correction with TRMM observations using a neural network approach.  J.  Hydromet. 16, 2230-2247.

Tang, L., J. Zhang, C. Langston, J. Krause, K. Howard, and V. Lakshmanan, 2014: A physically based precipitation-nonprecipitation radar echo classifier using polarimetric radar and environmental data in a real-time system.  Wea. Forecasting, 29, 1106-1119. 

Zhang, J., Y. Qi, C. Langston, B. Kaney, and K. Howard, 2014: A real-time algorithm for merging radar QPEs with rain gauge observations and orographic precipitation climatology. J.  Hydromet. 15, 1794-1809.

Grams, H.M., J. Zhang, and K. Elmore, 2014: Automated Identification of Enhanced Rainfall Rates Using the Near-Storm Environment for Radar Precipitation Estimates.  J.  Hydromet. 15, 1238-1254.

Zhang, J., Y. Qi, D. Kingsmill, and K. Howard, 2012: radar-based quantitative precipitation estimation for the cool season in complex terrain: case studies from the noaa hydrometeorology testbed.  J. Hydromet13, 1836-1854.

Zhang, J., Y. Qi, K. Howard, C. Langston, and B. Kaney, 2012: Radar Quality Index (RQI) – A combined measure of beam blockage and VPR effects in a national network.  Proceedings, International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology, IAHS Publ. 351-25 (2012).

Zhang, J., K Howard, C. Langston, et al., 2011: National Mosaic and multi-sensor QPE (NMQ) system: description, results and future plans. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 92, 1321-1338.

Zhang, J., and Y. Qi, 2010: A real-time algorithm for the correction of bright band effects in radar-derived precipitation estimation. J. Hydrometeorology. 11, 1157-1171.

Zhang, J. and S. Wang, 2006: An automated 2-D multi-pass Doppler radar velocity dealiasing scheme. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.,23, 1239-1248.

Zhang, J., K. Howard, and J.J. Gourley, 2005: Constructing three-dimensional multiple radar reflectivity mosaics: examples of convective storms and stratiform rain echoes. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 22, 30-42.

Maddox, R., J. Zhang, J.J. Gourley, and K. Howard, 2002: Weather radar coverage over the contiguous United States. Wea. Forecast, 17, 927-934.