Miranda Silcott


Forecast Applications & Social Science Team (FASST)

Job Title:Research Associate



Miranda is a research associate on the Forecast Applications and Social Science Team. Miranda joined CIWRO/NSSL in 2023 after completing her M.S. at North Carolina State University. Miranda's master's thesis focused on characterizing cold pool properties in MCSs. However, she is also passionate about how severe weather is communicated to the public and how new tools can change forecasting processes. Currently, she is focusing on how end-users explore and test the operational usability of the Warn-on-Forecast System. Moreover, she is focusing on how end-users communicate this information to core partners. Miranda is from Troy, OH, where her curiosity in meteorology first took root. She used to read weather and natural hazard books in school, and that curiosity for meteorology has only grown over time.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
M.S Atmospheric Science North Carolina State University 2023
B.S.E Meteorology Ohio University 2021
Research Interests
  • Severe convective storms
  • Synoptic and mesoscale meteorology
  • Severe convective weather processes
  • Severe convective weather forecasting
  • Probabilistic communication