Jacob Segall


Stormscale Convection & Radar Team (SCRT)

Job Title:Research Associate I



Phone:(814) 222-4060

Jacob is a CIWRO Research Associate within NSSL's WRDD. His focus has been on developing and utilizing dual-polarization radar algorithms to improve our understanding of severe convective storms. Additionally, his work is aimed at advancing "nowcasting" capabilities for forecasters tasked with warning for severe hazards such as tornadoes and hail.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
B.S. Meteorology Penn State University 2016
M.S. Atmospheric Science SUNY-Stony Brook 2020
Research Interests
  • Dual-polarization radar
  • Severe hazard "nowcasting"
  • Supercells
  • Mesoscale dynamics
Professional Activities
  • Fieldwork
  • NSSL Outreach Team
Selected Publications

SegallJ. H.M. M. FrenchD. M. KingfieldS. D. Loeffler, and M. R. Kumjian2022Storm-scale polarimetric radar signatures associated with tornado dissipation in supercells. Wea. Forecasting, 37, 3-21, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-21-0067.1.