Andrew Rosenow


Transportation Applications Group (TAG)

Job Title:Research Scientist


Phone:(405) 325-6138

Andrew joined the Lab in 2016 after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, where his graduate research focused on the mesoscale structures in winter storms. He has been a part of the Transportation Applications Team since arriving at the Lab. He has been involved in the collection and analysis of NOXP snowfall observations from Alamosa, CO, and ported the Spectral Bin Classifier precipitation-type algorithm into MRMS. His current research focus has been on developing snow accumulation methodologies - for both real-time and forecasts - particularly for use in decision-support tools.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
B.S. Meteorology Valparaiso University 2008
M.S. Atmospheric Sciences University of Illinois 2011
Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences University of Illinois 2016
Research Interests
  • Winter Storms
  • Winter Precipitation Type
  • Snow Rate/Snow Accumulation
  • Aviation Meteorology
  • Road Weather
Professional Activities
  • Member, American Meteorological Society
  • REU Mentor
Honors & Awards
Award Name Year
CIWRO Outstanding Publication Award 2019