Brian Matilla


Data Assimilation & Modeling Team (DAMT)

Job Title:Research Associate



Brian is a Research Associate with CIWRO/NSSL and is a member of the Data Assimilation and Modeling team with the Forecast Research and Development Division at NSSL. He currently co-develops and maintains the NSSL cloud-based Warn-on-Forecast system (WoFS) and helps to engage with forecasters and end-users on using WoFS guidance in operations. He also has research interests in leveraging WoFS data for AI/ML applications in order to improve predictability of short-term heavy rainfall and flash flooding events.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
M.S. Meteorology and Physical Oceanography University of Miami 2018
B.S. Geosciences (Atmospheric Science) Florida International University 2015
Research Interests
  • Precipitation extremes and flash flooding
  • Tropical cyclones
  • Numerical weather prediction
  • Severe convective storms
Professional Activities
  • Board Member - AMS Board of Early Career Professionals
  • American Meteorological Society member
  • AMS Early Career Leadership Academy Fellow
  • Letters to a Pre-Scientist penpal