Kent Knopfmeier


Forecast Applications & Social Science Team (FASST)

Job Title:Research Associate III


Phone:(405) 325-6228

Kent is a Research Associate III with CIWRO/NSSL and is a member of the Forecast Applications and Social Science Team in the Forecast Research and Development Division of NSSL.  He currently manages the daily NSSL convection-allowing model runs and co-manages the NSSL Warn-on-Forecast System (WoFS).  He was an original co-developer of the WoFS prior to its transition to cloud-based computing. He also serves as data-flow manager and facilitator of the annual Hazardous Weather Testbed - Spring Forecasting Experiment.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
M.S. Atmospheric Science Purdue University 2007
B.S. Atmospheric Science Purdue University 2005
Research Interests
  • Severe convective storms
  • Convective-scale data assimilation
  • Numerical weather prediction
  • Mesoscale predictability
Professional Activities
  • American Meteorological Society member
Selected Publications

Clark, A. J.I. L. JirakB. T. GalloK. H. KnopfmeierB. RobertsM. KrocakJ. VancilK. A. HoogewindN. A. DahlE. D. LokenD. JahnD. HarrisonD. ImyP. BurkeL. WickerP. S. SkinnerP. L. HeinselmanP. MarshK. A. WilsonA. DeanG. J. CreagerT. A. JonesJ. GaoY. WangM. FloraC. K. PotvinC. A. KerrN. YussoufJ. MartinJ. GuerraB. C. MatillaT. J. Galarneau2022The 2nd Real-Time, Virtual Spring Forecasting Experiment to Advance Severe Weather PredictionBulletin of the American Meteorological Society103E1114–E1116, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0239.1.

Galarneau, T. J.L. J. WickerK. H. KnopfmeierW. J. MillerP. S. SkinnerK. A. Wilson2022Short-Term Prediction of a Nocturnal Significant Tornado Outbreak Using a Convection-Allowing EnsembleWeather and Forecasting3761027–1047, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-21-0160.1.

Gallo, B. T.K. A. WilsonJ. ChoateK. KnopfmeierP. SkinnerB. RobertsP. HeinselmanI. JirakA. J. Clark2022Exploring the Watch-to-Warning Space: Experimental Outlook Performance during the 2019 Spring Forecasting Experiment in NOAA’s Hazardous Weather TestbedWeather and Forecastingn/a, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-21-0171.1.

Guerra, J. E.P. S. SkinnerA. J. ClarkM. FloraB. MatillaK. KnopfmeierA. Reinhart2022Quantification of NSSL Warn-on-Forecast System Accuracy by Storm Age using Object-based VerificationWeather and ForecastingEOR, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-22-0043.1.

Miller, W. J.C. K. PotvinM. L. FloraB. T. GalloL. J. WickerT. JonesB. MatillaK. KnopfmeierP. Skinner2022Exploring the Usefulness of Downscaling Free Forecasts from the Warn-on-Forecast SystemWeather and Forecasting37181–203, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-21-0079.1.

Britt, K. C.P. S. SkinnerP. L. HeinselmanK. H. Knopfmeier2020Effects of Horizontal Grid Spacing and Inflow Environment on Forecasts of Cyclic Mesocyclogenesis in NSSL's Warn-on-Forecast System (WoFS)Weather and Forecasting352423–2444, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-20-0094.1

Jones, T. A.K. KnopfmeierD. WheatleyG. CreagerP. MinnisR. Palikonda2016Storm-Scale Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecasting with the NSSL Experimental Warn-on-Forecast System. Part II: Combined Radar and Satellite Data ExperimentsWeather and Forecasting31297–327, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-15-0107.1.

Wheatley, D. M.K. H. KnopfmeierT. A. JonesG. J. Creager2015Storm-Scale Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecasting with the NSSL Experimental Warn-on-Forecast System. Part I: Radar Data ExperimentsWeather and Forecasting301795–1817, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-15-0043.1.

Knopfmeier, K. H.D. J. Stensrud2013Influence of mesonet observations on the accuracy of surface analyses generated by an Ensemble Kalman FilterWeather and Forecasting28815–841, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-12-00078.1