Ty Janoski

Forecast Applications & Social Science Team (FASST)

Job Title:Postdoctoral Fellow

Affiliation:NOAA-CESSRST Postdoc


Ty is a NOAA-CESSRST Postdoctoral Fellow who splits his time between the City College of New York and NSSL. His current research focuses on the causes of the extreme rainfall in NYC from Hurricane Ida in September 2021. To this end, he uses simulations from the Warn-on-Forecast System to explore the ensemble sensitivity of precipitation to synoptic, frontal scale, and mesoscale features at different lead times. Before coming to NSSL, Ty investigated polar amplification mechanisms using global climate models for his Ph.D. work.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
Ph.D. Earth & Environmental Sciences Columbia University 2024
M.Phil. Earth & Environmental Sciences Columbia University 2021
M.A. Earth & Environmental Sciences Columbia University 2019
B.S. Marine Sciences & Meteorology Rutgers University 2017
Research Interests
  • extreme precipitation
  • ensemble forecasting
  • predictability
  • tropical cyclones