Thomas Galarneau


Forecast Applications & Social Science Team (FASST)

Job Title:Research Physical Scientist



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Thomas is a Research Physical Scientist and Federal Team Lead for the Forecast Applications and Social Science Team in the Forecast Research and Development Division at the NOAA/OAR National Severe Storms Laboratory. He has broad research interests in multi-scale dynamic meteorology with expertise ranging from planetary to storm scales, and with particular emphasis on phenomenological and process studies of severe convective storms, extreme rainstorms, tropical cyclones, and midlatitude bomb cyclones. His work uses a combination of observations and numerical models to advance understanding and update conceptual models with the overarching goal to contribute to improvements in the forecasting of these phenomena.

Learn more about Thomas here.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
Ph.D. Atmospheric Science University at Albany 2010
M.S. Atmospheric Science University at Albany 2007
M.S. Basic Classroom Teaching-Earth Science University at Albany 2003
B.S. Atmospheric Science University at Albany 2001
Research Interests
  • synoptic-dynamic and mesoscale meteorology
  • phenomenological and process studies
  • severe convective storms
  • extreme rainstorms
  • tropical cyclones
  • extratropical cyclone life cycles
Selected Publications

Click here to access a list of Thomas Galarneau's refereed publications.