Vicki Farmer


Information & Technology Services (ITS)

Job Title:Webmaster


Phone:(405) 655-8205

Vicki has been at NSSL since 1996, and manages the NSSL website and all related web properties. A graduate of the University of Oklahoma and the University of Texas at Austin, she worked in the defense industry and at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory before coming to NSSL.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
B.S. Physics University of Oklahoma
M.S. Physics University of Texas at Austin
Honors & Awards
Award Name Year
National Weather Association Larry R. Johnson Special Award (mPING group) 2018
Selected Publications

Elmore, K. L., Z. L. Flamig, V. Lakshmanan, B. T. Kaney, V. Farmer, H. D. Reeves, L. P. Rothfusz, 2014: MPING Crowd-Sourcing Weather Reports for Research. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95, 1335–1342, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00014.1.

Van Cooten, S., K. Kelleher, K. Howard, J. Zhang, J. J. Gourley, C. Langston, V. Farmer, K. Monroe, Z. L. Flamig, H. Moser, R. Kolar, Y. Hong, K. Dresback, E. Tromble, H. Vergara, R. Luettich, B. Blanton, K. Galuppi, C. A. Blain, J. F. Thigpen, K. Mosher, D. Figursky, M. Moneypenny, J. Orrock, R. Bandy, C. Goodall, J. Kelley, J. Greenlaw, M. Wengren, D. Eslinger, J. Payne, J. Feldt, J. Schmidt, T. Hamill, R. H. Bacon, R. Stickney, L. Spence, 2011: Coastal and Inland FLooding Observation and Warning (CI-FLOW) Project-An Assesment of Research Outcomes From An Integrated Hydrologic Prediction System for Coastal Watersheds. Preprints, 25th Conference on Hydrology, Seattle, WA, USA, American Meteorological Society, 7.4.