Jilliann Dufort


Transportation Applications Group (TAG)

Job Title:Research Associate




Jilliann is a research associate within the Transportation Applications Team. She joined in November 2022 after completing her M.S. in Atmospheric Science at Texas Tech University. Currently, she is analyzing how the NWS messages road weather hazards to their stakeholders and the public through surveys and focus groups. She is also using object-based identification to verify snowfall from the UFS by applying various snow-to-liquid ratio methods to the QPF field. Past project focused on implementing improvements and developing new decision support products for the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System (MRMS). Jilliann is from a small town in eastern Michigan where she obtained her fascination and love for winter weather.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
M.S. Atmospheric Science Texas Tech University 2022
B.S. Meteorology Valparaiso University 2020
Research Interests
  • Winter Weather
  • Winter Transportation Hazards
  • NWP Post-Processing and Verification
  • CIWRO Outreach Committee Member
Honors & Awards
Award Name Year
Texas Tech University Graduate Scholarship Recipient 2022
Chi Epsilon Pi Member (Meteorology Honor Society) 2019-2020