Michael Coniglio


Observations & Processes Team (OPT)

Job Title:Research Scientist



Phone:(405) 325-6227

Dr. Michael Coniglio is a Research Scientist in the Forecast Research and Development Division (FRDD) of NSSL. Michael's primary responsibilities are to conduct research using meteorological observations from well-focused field projects, data assimilation, and numerical models to improve severe weather forecasting and our fundamental understanding of the atmosphere. Emphasis is placed upon understanding the dynamics of severe storms and their interaction with the environment. To address these goals, Michael collaborates with scientists from universities and other federal agencies, procures outside funding, interacts with operational forecasters within the National Weather Service and Storm Prediction Center in formal testbeds and/or in smaller focused research projects, and advises/mentors students and early-career scientists.

Google Scholar

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
Ph.D Meteorology University of Oklahoma 2004
M.S Meteorology University of Oklahoma 1999
B.S Meteorology State University of New York College at Oswego 1997
Research Interests
  • Severe Storm Processes and Environments
  • Tornadogenesis
  • Severe Storms Forecasting
  • Numerical Modeling of Convective Weather
  • Derechos
Professional Activities
  • VORTEX-USA Working Group
  • Associate Editor, Monthly Weather Review and Weather and Forecasting
  • Affiliate Faculty, University of Oklahoma School of Meteorlogy
Honors & Awards
Award Name Year
AMS Editor's Award for Weather and Forecasting 2020
NSSL Outstanding Scientific Paper Award 2009, 2020
AMS Kenneth C. Spengler Award 2011
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers 2008
Selected Publications

Coniglio, M.R. Jewell2022SPC mesoscale analysis compared to field-project soundings: Implications for supercell environment studiesMonthly Weather Review150567–588, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-21-0222.1.

Flournoy, M. D.A. W. LyzaM. A. SatrioM. R. DiedrichsenM. C. ConiglioS. Waugh2022A climatology of cell mergers with supercells and their association with mesocyclone evolutionMonthly Weather Review150451–461, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-21-0204.1.

Laser, J.M. C. ConiglioP. S. SkinnerE. N. Smith2022Doppler Lidar and Mobile Radiosonde Observation-Based Evaluation of Warn-on-Forecast System Predicted Near-Supercell Environments during TORUS 2019Weather and Forecasting37101783–1804, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-21-0190.1.

Flournoy, M. D.M. C. ConiglioE. N. Rasmussen2021Examining relationships between environmental conditions and supercell motion in timeMonthly Weather Review36737–755, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-20-0192.1.

Paredes, M.B. SchenkelR. EdwardsM. Coniglio2021Tropical Cyclone Outer Size Impacts the Number and Location of TornadoesGeophysical Research Letters48241–10, doi:10.1029/2021GL095922.

Schenkel, B.M. ConiglioR. Edwards2021How does the relationship between ambient deep-tropospheric vertical wind shear and tropical cyclone tornadoes change between coastal and inland environments?Weather and Forecasting36539–566, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-20-0127.1.

Wagner, M. A.R. K. DoeC. WangE. RasmussenM. C. ConiglioK. ElmoreR. C. BallingR. S. Cerveny2021High-Resolution Observations of Microscale Influences on a Tornado Track Using Unpiloted Aerial Systems (UAS)Monthly Weather Review14982819–2834, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-20-0213.1.

Coniglio, M. C.M. D. Parker2020Insights into Supercells and Their Environments from Three Decades of Targeted Radiosonde ObservationsMonthly Weather Review1484893–4915, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-20-0105.1.

Flournoy, M. D.M. C. ConiglioE. N. RasmussenJ. C. FurtadoB. E. Coffer2020Modes of storm-scale variability and tornado potential in VORTEX2 near- and far-field tornadic environmentsMonthly Weather Review148, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-20-0147.1.

Potvin, C. K.P. S. SkinnerK. A. HoogewindM. C. ConiglioJ. A. GibbsA. J. ClarkM. L. FloraA. E. ReinhartJ. R. CarleyE. N. Smith2020Assessing Systematic Impacts of PBL Schemes on Storm Evolution in the NOAA Warn-on-Forecast SystemMonthly Weather Review1482567–2590, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-19-0389.1.

Schenkel, B. A.R. A. EdwardsM. C. Coniglio2020A Climatological Analysis of Ambient Deep-Tropospheric Vertical Wind Shear Impacts upon Tornadoes in Tropical CyclonesWeather and Forecasting352033–2059, doi:doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-19-0220.1..

Schenkel, B. A.R. EdwardsM. Coniglio2020New Insights into the Number and Location of Tornadoes in Landfalling HurricanesBulletin of the American Meteorological Society101748–749.

Coniglio, M. C.G. S. RomineD. D. TurnerR. D. Torn2019Impacts of Targeted AERI and Doppler Lidar Wind Retrievals on Short-Term Forecasts of the Initiation and Early Evolution of ThunderstormsMonthly Weather Review1471149–1170, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0351.1.

Flournoy, M. D.M. C. Coniglio2019Origins of Vorticity in a Simulated Tornadic Mesovortex Observed during PECAN on 6 July 2015Monthly Weather Review147107–134, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0221.1.

Hitchcock, S. M.R. S. SchumacherG. R. HermanM. C. ConiglioM. D. ParkerC. L. Ziegler2019Evolution of Pre- and Postconvective Environmental Profiles from Mesoscale Convective Systems during PECANMonthly Weather Review1472329–2354, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0231.1.

Alfaro, D. A.M. C. Coniglio2018Discrimination of Mature and Dissipating Severe-Wind-Producing MCSs with Layer-Lifting IndicesWeather and Forecasting333–21, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-17-0088.1.

Wade, A. R.M. C. ConiglioC. L. Ziegler2018Comparison of Near- and Far-Field Supercell Inflow Environments Using Radiosonde ObservationsMonthly Weather Review1462403–2415, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-17-0276.1.

Campbell, M. A.A. E. CohenM. C. ConiglioA. R. DeanS. F. CorfidiC. M. Mead2017Structure and Motion of Severe-Wind-Producing Mesoscale Convective Systems and Derechos in Relation to the Mean WindWeather and Forecasting32423–439, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-16-0060.1.

Cohen, A. E.S. M. CavalloM. C. ConiglioH. E. BrooksI. L. Jirak2017Evaluation of Multiple Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization Schemes in Southeast U.S. Cold Season Severe Thunderstorm EnvironmentsWeather and Forecasting321857–1884, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-16-0193.1.

Coniglio, M. C.S. M. HitchcockK. H. Knopfmeier2016Impact of Assimilating Preconvective Upsonde Observations on Short-Term Forecasts of Convection Observed during MPEXMonthly Weather Review1444301–4325, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0091.1.

Corfidi, S. F.M. C. ConiglioA. E. CohenC. M. Mead2016A Proposed Revision to the Definition of “Derecho”Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society97935–950, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00254.1.

Hitchcock, S. M.M. C. ConiglioK. H. Knopfmeier2016Impact of MPEX Upsonde Observations on Ensemble Analyses and Forecasts of the 31 May 2013 Convective Event over OklahomaMonthly Weather Review1442889–2913, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-15-0344.1.

Clark, A. J.M. C. ConiglioB. E. CofferG. ThompsonM. XueF. Kong2015Sensitivity of 24-h Forecast Dryline Position and Structure to Boundary Layer Parameterizations in Convection-Allowing WRF Model SimulationsWeather and Forecasting30613–638, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-14-00078.1.

Cohen, A. E.S. M. CavalloM. C. ConiglioH. E. Brooks2015A Review of Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization Schemes and Their Sensitivity in Simulating Southeastern U.S. Cold Season Severe Weather EnvironmentsWeather and Forecasting30591–612, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-14-00105.1.

Trier, S. B.G. S. RomineD. A. AhijevychR. J. TrappR. S. SchumacherM. C. ConiglioD. J. Stensrud2015Mesoscale Thermodynamic Influences on Convection Initiation near a Surface Dryline in a Convection-Permitting EnsembleMonthly Weather Review1433726–3753, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-15-0133.1.

VandenBerg, M. A.M. C. ConiglioA. J. Clark2014Comparison of Next-Day Convection-Allowing Forecasts of Storm motion on 1- and 4-km GridsWeather and Forecasting29878–893, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-14-00011.1.

Coniglio, M. C.J. CorreiaP. T. MarshF. Kong2013Verification of Convection-Allowing WRF Model Forecasts of the Planetary Boundary Layer using Sounding ObservationsWeather and Forecasting28842–862, doi:dx.doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-11-00026.1.

Stratman, D. R.M. C. ConiglioS. E. KochM. Xue2013Use of Multiple Verification Methods to Evaluate Forecasts of Convection from Hot- and Cold-Start Convection-Allowing ModelsWeather and Forecasting28119–138, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-12-00022.1.

Coniglio, M. C.2012Verification of RUC 0-1-hour forecasts and SPC Mesoscale Analyses using VORTEX2 SoundingsWeather and Forecasting27667–683, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-11-00096.1.

Coniglio, M. C.S. F. CorfidiJ. S. Kain2012Views on Applying RKW Theory: An Illustration Using the 8 May 2009 Derecho-Producing Convective SystemMonthly Weather Review1401023–1043, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00026.1.

Coniglio, M. C.S. F. CorfidiJ. S. Kain2011Environment and Early Evolution of the 8 May 2009 Derecho-Producing Convective SystemMonthly Weather Review1391083–1102, doi:10.1175/2010MWR3413.1.

Coniglio, M. C.J. Y. HwangD. J. Stensrud2010Environmental Factors in the Upscale Growth and Longevity of MCSs Derived from Rapid Update Cycle AnalysesMonthly Weather Review1383514–3539.

Coniglio, M. C.K. L. ElmoreJ. S. KainS. J. WeissM. XueM. L. Weisman2010Evaluation of WRF model output for severe weather forecasting from the 2008 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring ExperimentWeather and Forecasting25408–427, doi:10.1175/2009WAF2222258.1.

Engerer, N. A.D. J. StensrudM. C. Coniglio2008Surface Characteristics of Observed Cold PoolsMonthly Weather Review1364839–4849, doi:10.1175/2008MWR2528.1.

Cohen, A. E.M. C. ConiglioS. F. CorfidiS. J. Corfidi2007Discrimination of Mesoscale Convective System Environments Using Sounding ObservationsWeather and Forecasting221045–1062, doi:10.1175/WAF1040.1.

Coniglio, M. C.A. E. CohenS. F. CorfidiS. J. Corfidi2007Discrimination of MCS environments using sounding observationsWeather and Forecasting221045–1062.

Coniglio, M. C.H. E. BrooksS. F. CorfidiS. J. Weiss2007Forecasting the Maintenance of Quasi-Linear Mesoscale Convective SystemsWeather and Forecasting22556–570.

Coniglio, M. C.D. J. StensrudL. J. Wicker2006Effects of upper-level shear on the structure and maintenance of strong quasi-linear mesoscale convective systemsJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences631231–1252.

Stensrud, D. J.M. C. ConiglioR. P. Davies-JonesJ. S. Evans2005Comments on “A Theory for Strong Long-Lived Squall Lines” RevisitedJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences622989–2996.

Coniglio, M. C.D. J. Stensrud2004Interpreting the Climatology of DerechosWeather and Forecasting19595–605.

Coniglio, M. C.D. J. StensrudM. B. Richman2004An observational study of derecho-producing convective systemsWeather and Forecasting19320–337.

Coniglio, M. C.D. J. Stensrud2001Simulation of a progressive derecho using composite initial conditionsMonthly Weather Review1291593–1616.