Patrick Campbell


Severe Convection Group: Probabilities & Impacts (SCG-PI)

Job Title:Research Scientist II


Phone:(405) 325-6385

Patrick is the CIWRO team lead for the Severe Convective Probability and Impacts Group. His research efforts focus on the development of Probabilistic Hazard Information for severe weather threats to support and improve severe weather warnings. The work of Patrick and his colleagues promises to allow decision-makers to better react to severe weather events and provide a range of hazard information that covers different needs across society.

Patrick joined the weather community at the University of Oklahoma after receiving his degree in computer engineering from the same institution. His background in image analysis and software engineering assists with the advancement and realization of novel severe weather research concepts.

Degree (Ph.D, M.S, B.A, etc.) Major Subject University or College Name Year (YYYY) (optional)
Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Oklahoma 2016
M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Oklahoma 2008
B.S. Computer Engineering University of Oklahoma 2003
Research Interests
  • Thunderstorm Probability and Impacts
  • Storm Segmentation from Radar Imagery
  • Testbeds and Experimental Design
  • Machine Learning
Selected Publications

Obermeier, H. B.K. L. BerryK. E. Klockow-McClainA. CampbellC. CarithersA. GerardJ. E. Trujillo-Falcón2022The Creation of a Research Television Studio to Test Probabilistic Hazard Information with Broadcast Meteorologists in NOAA’s Hazardous Weather TestbedWeather, Climate, and Society143949–963, doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-21-0171.1.

Satrio, C. N.K. M. CalhounP. A. CampbellR. SteevesT. M. Smith2022An Objective Scoring Method for Evaluating the Comparative Performance of Automated Storm Identification and Tracking AlgorithmsWeather and ForecastingEOR, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-22-0047.1.

Kim, J.P. A. CampbellK. M. Calhoun2023A Framework to Predict Community Risk from Severe Weather Threats Using Probabilistic Hazard Information (PHI)Atmosphere141–26, doi:10.3390/atmos14050767.