Ted Mansell, Research Scientist
Background: | Ph.D. Physics, University of Oklahoma (2000) M.S. Physics, Northern Illinois University (1996) B.S. Physics and Philosophy, Westminster College (PA) (1991) |
Experience: | Ted Mansell was born and raised in western Pennsylvania. He attended Westminster College, a small school near the border with Ohio, where he studied physics and philosophy. He went on to earn his Master’s at Northern Illinois University, focusing on sound radiation emitted from handbells. This caused him to take an interest in storm electrification and lightning, which brought him to the University of Oklahoma for his Ph.D. in physics. He was a National Research Council Postdoc with the Lab from 2000-2001, specializing in thunderstorm electrification and lightning assimilation into forecast models. |
What He Does: | Ted is now a Federal researcher with NSSL. He studies storm electrification, lightning physics, and models of cloud processes. One topic of particular interest to him is relationships between lightning and storm characteristics. He is also working on Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) Assimilation. Ted has been a contributor to several significant projects at the Lab, launching soundings in TELEX-2004 and providing field support with the NOXP, a dual-polarized X-band mobile radar. He took part in the VORTEX2 field campaign in 2009-2010. He also participated in the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) field experiment in 2012, during which aircraft and ground-based instruments were used to investigate thunderstorms. Ted was also a part of the more recent Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) project, which took place last summer. |
Trivia: | Ted enjoys developing his picture-taking skills, and often practices as a photographer for his daughter’s soccer team. He is also an avid gardener, and is always finding space for new plants around his home. On holidays and special occasions, Ted has been known to whip up some gourmet chocolates in his kitchen! |