NSSL/CIMMS researcher Dr. Sebastian Torres discussed recent progress on Phased Array Radar technology as an invited keynote speaker at the 2009 International Radar Conference in Bordeaux, France. The theme of the conference was “Surveillance for a safer world” and over 400 engineers were in attendance.
Torres, along with Dr. Jeffrey Herd from MIT Lincoln Lab, spoke on Multifunction Phased Array Radar for Weather and Aircraft Surveillance. A next-generation, multifunction phased array radar (MPAR) concept could provide enhanced weather and aircraft surveillance services with potentially lower life-cycle costs than multiple single-function radar networks. If critical technology costs decrease sufficiently, MPAR radars might prove to be a cost effective alternative to current surveillance radars, since the number of required radars would be reduced, and maintenance and logistics infrastructure would be consolidated. MIT Lincoln Laboratory (under support by the Federal Aviation Administration) and NSSL are conducting technology assessment programs to: 1) define and retire technical risk, 2) establish measured performance capability, and 3) provide realistic system cost models. Torres and Herd presented the current status of these efforts, and described future enhancements.
The conference was sponsored by several prestigious societies, including: the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Institution of Engineering and Technology – IET, the Chinese Institute of Electronics – CIE, the Institut Français de Navigation – IFN, the Institution of Engineers Australia – IEAust and the Société del’Electricité, de l’Electronique, et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication – SEE.