TPW in a convective environment

Below is a comparison of two different TPW products (AllSkyLAP layer Precipitable water and Merged TPW Composite Sat Sfc Merged Total Precipitation Water) compared to RAP Analysis from the SPC Mesoanalyst page.

Control group: SPC Mesoanalysis Precipitable Water

The AllSkyLAP product (below) seems to do a better job at “painting the picture,” however, it’s reliance on the GFS model often leads to a delay in PWAT drops in areas of convection. This is highlighted the best across central IL, where RAP Analysis shows PWATs in the 1 – 1.25 inch range while the AllSkyLAP product shows values closer to the 1.5 inch range straight from GFS output.


TPW (below) does a better job at accounting for this, at least across the central IL study area, resulting in more realistic 1.1 to 1.3 inch values.

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