Big flashes taking place in the stratiform region of the departing MCS across the eastern third of Texas. A LOT of big flashes:
But that doesn’t tell the full story; there are a LOT of big flashes but they are being masked by the scaling of Flash Area. Right now the scale runs from 64 km2 to 2000 km2. What happens if we bump that max side up to 4000 km2?
There we go, a bit better discrimination on the big-side of the scale! It may be hard to see but there is one “white” flash in there; a slightly larger 4600 km2 flash southeast of DFW.
That. is. Yuuuuuuuuuuge.
So, lesson of the day; check the values of flash size (or any flash component). See if there are values past the end of the current color scale. Right click on the appropriate product, select Change Colormap , and bump that up some. May be able to pull out a bit more information than what comes as the default. Once again however…YMMV.