June 2 — Flash Density Color Curve Comparison (CYS)

There has been some question as to the utility of the current default Flash Density color curve or developing different color curves to help forecasters pick out the highest flash densities.

Here is an example of high flash densities we saw this afternoon (2146 UTC) in the CYS CWA, looking at the default color curve and one of the possible options:



The image on the left is the default color curve, with the right image one of the options. The problem with the right image is the use of blue/green shades and red/orange shades for those that are colorblind.  Those colors can cause problems in figuring out the highest flash rates without use of the sampling tool.  Being a non-colorblind person, I prefer the right image as I was able to pinpoint the highest rates quickly.  It is still a good idea to use the sampling tool with both color curves to ensure finding the highest rates.



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