Since a blog presents stories in reverse chronological order, those new coming into the blog will find my most recent stories first, even though they are intended to be later chapters. So, here is a chronological table of contents of the Experimental Warning Thoughts. I’ll update this and bump it to the top every once in a while.
Warning Verification Pitfalls:
Geospatial Verification Technique: Getting on the Grid
Creating Verification Numbers:
Part 1: The “Grid Point” Method
Part 2: Grid point scores for one event
Part 3: The “Truth Event” method
Part 4: Truth Event scores for one event
Part 5: Distribution of “Truth Event” statistics
The Benefits of Geospatial Warning Verification
Examining warning practices for QLCS tornadoes
Limitations of WarnGen polygons:
Part 3: But my threat area isn’t a 20 km square
Precise Threat Area Identification and Tracking:
Part 2: Threats-In-Motion (TIM)
Warning Verification Pitfalls (continued):