CI along sea breeze over NE Florida

Westward moving sea breeze front helped to spark sporadic showers/thunderstorms during the afternoon hours. We captured the interaction of an already ongoing weak shower, as front moved in from the east.

1932 Z; UAH-CI and Cloud top cooling
1940 Z; UAH-CI and Cloud top cooling

The southern parts of Nassau and Charlton county and Baker county were monitored. At 1932Z an increase in cloud top cooling was noticed and 8 min later, CI product also had probabilities of 70 % plus for this area. At the same time, a cooling rate of roughly -15K/15 min was detected. Rapid development occurred thereafter with 50 dBz and more seen in the JAX radar side at 1947 Z, which gave a good lead time for focusing on the potential hot-spot over NE Florida. The storm was a pulsating one with rapid weakening thereafter.


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